Why pavement testing is needed
Our test equipment provides vital data that enables engineers all over the world to analyze how and why pavement deteriorates both on the surface (functionally) and beneath the surface (structurally).
By providing engineers with accurate testing data, they can manage resources, plan pavement projects more accurately and estimate precise budgetary requirements.
This is why high-quality equipment from Dynatest is vital for estimating the remaining life of the pavement, wear and tear, and predicting the impact of future traffic patterns.
Test equipment
The Dynatest equipment provides a wide range of tools for determining the pavement, which can be used for evaluating the condition of roads and airports
The technology behind
Good pavement is the heart of any highway or airport.
All our measuring equipment and software have been specially developed and designed to test and measure load capacity, road profiles, friction, etc.
Our equipment, our know-how, and our years of experience with how the pavement deteriorates enable engineers to analyze the condition of the road and start preventive maintenance of all types of pavement surfaces on roads and runways.
Fast Falling Weight Deflectometer with DynaWare
DynaWare will modernize the Dynatest range of Falling Weight Deflectometer and elevate the electronics, hardware, and software to modern standards.
Thanks to DynaWare it will be possible to offer advanced GIS visualization when collecting data and when planning survey routes.
DynaWare brings a complete hardware redesign and immediate inspection of any detected fault of the geophones makes troubleshooting intelligent easier and faster.
What our customers are saying
We have been in the industry for over 40 years and Dynatest has a long and interesting history. Dynatest pavement equipment is operating in over 70 countries worldwide. We are proud to be a market leader in the field of pavement assessment.
Find inspiration in our customers’ stories.
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Discover our distribution network around the world. Our standards are high, and we will not compromise them no matter where in the world we operate. That is why we have partnered up with local experts who know all about your area, the industry, and the Dynatest equipment.
Enabling a world that works!
Our passion is developing the world's best pavement testing equipment for engineers all over the world this is who, we are.