
After years of development, Dynatest launches the project DynaWare24 which modernizes Falling Weight Deflectometers with improved hardware and upgraded electronics and software.

DynaWare24 Groundbreaking New Development

Dynatest is proud to present project DynaWare24 after several years of development.

The name DynaWare24 refers to a project that aims to modernize the product line of Dynatest’s Falling Weight Deflectometers to modern standards.

At present, the new DynaWare24 features are only available for the Fast Falling Weight Deflectometer but the DynaWare24 features will later on be rolled out for the Heavy Weight Deflectometer.

The project DynaWare24 is a natural response to the constant evolution of the Industry moving towards IoT-inspired solutions.

The Dynaware24 project is protected under patent, ensuring exclusive rights and safeguarding our innovative technology.

DynaWare24 brochure

DynaWare24 brochure US

The new DynaWare24 project will improve the current user interface and elevate the electronics, hardware, and software to modern standards when it come to Falling Weight Deflectometers. Thanks to the DynaWare24 project it will be possible to offer advanced GIS visualization to preplan routes the operator should collect data on.

Our product roadmap now includes several exciting features, including cloud-based remote control, support, and data verification.

The DynaWare24 project brings a complete hardware redesign that will be more streamlined. Wirings will be drastically reduced making service and calibration a breeze.

Easy assembly and disassembly of geophones is also possible and immediate AI-based inspection of any detected fault of the geophones makes troubleshooting easier and faster.

NEW hardware features

  • Redesigned control unit for improved machine control and interfacing
  • Compatibility with any computer or tablet for operator interaction
  • 4G router enabling Cloud functionality for remote data upload and monitoring
  • Automatic software and firmware updates for continuous improvement
  • Notification configuration based on desired distance intervals between test locations
  • New and improved cameras combined with an enhanced camera interface will significantly increase the reliability of your imaging tasks.
  • Robust IP67 housing for cameras allowing high-quality inspection of testing surface

Key benefits of DynaWare24

Enhancements in User Interface and Electronics:

  • Improved user interface, electronics, hardware, and software
  • Dynatest GIS Module optional offering the ability to visually preplan routes the operator should collect data on.
  • Cloud-based remote control, support, and data verification integration
  • Streamlined hardware design with fewer wirings for easier service and calibration
  • AI-based inspection for faster fault detection
  • Automated fault detection on geophones
  • Robust IP67 housing for cameras allowing high-quality inspection of testing surface

Geophone Improvements:

  • Embedded intelligence in geophones for automatic identification and location determination.
  • Faster assembly and disassembly of geophones with reduced wiring.
  • Optimized geophone locations for measuring thinner pavement by adding an extra geophone at 100mm from the center of the load, inside the load plate.
  • Redundant seismic sensors and fault detection for enhanced accuracy.
  • Direct interface with DynaCal calibration system for efficient calibration.
  • No need  to remember the exact geophone location – simply mount the geophones in any place after calibration.
  • CAN bus interface between DynaCal and DynaWare24 geophones

Data analysis

At present, the new DynaWare24 features are only available for the Fast Falling Weight Deflectometer.

In the future DynaWare24 will also be rolled out for the Heavy Weight Deflectometer (HWD). Please contact us for more information about the current timeline and status.

A response to the industry’s shift towards IoT-inspired solutions.

Please see datasheet.

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Optional modules

Dynatest offers several optional modules:
Some of the optional modules are in the final stages of development and will be launched during the fall of 2024.

  • Offline simulation module:
    Offers setup test configurations, trailer configurations and other settings from the office. Uploading the validated test and trailer configurations to the FastFWD.
  • Dynatest GIS Module:
    Offers the ability to vizualize preplan routes the operator should collect data on.
  • Full API Access:
    Offers the ability to integrate the FastFWD with your other software systems.
  • 4G LTE module:
    Offering the ability to remote connect to the FastFWD. Monitoring the FastFWD usage. Directly pushing data to a supported cloud provider.

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