
Our know-how has allowed us to bring reliable pavement evaluation solutions to clients all over the world.

Pioneering the industry

Innovation has been a driving force since Dynatest was founded in 1976. This is still as important in our business today as it was decades ago. Our passion and know-how are essential motivators for us to continue developing software and testing equipment, ensuring we provide you with accurate pavement testing data.

The technology behind Dynatest

We have always explored new technologies, methods, and their combinations within the pavement industry.

Pavement engineers worldwide should have the best tools available to understand and model pavements. To do this correctly, an engineer must understand how the pavement deteriorates both on the surface (functionally) and beneath the surface (structurally).

Dynatest has developed a range of equipment to measure both structural and functional aspects of the pavement systems. The equipment is designed to provide standardized data of the highest accuracy and repeatability making the output ideal for both project and network-level assessment.

 Our wide range of test equipment

Skilled and passionate employees are key

Our highly skilled employees are the core of Dynatest. We pride ourselves on our unique combination of in-house analytical expertise and practical, in-the-field capabilities that enable us to successfully perform many different types of projects and provide practical solutions for our clients all around the world.

Get an insight into Dynatest and find out who we are.
If you want to become a part of our team you are more than welcome to apply for our available positions.    

 Meet our employees 

Customer case studies

We have gathered some of our clients' success stories from around the world. Find out how they have used Dynatest equipment to their advantage.

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