Maintenance & Service

Regular service and maintenance keeps equipment operating accurately and effectively. Our experience shows that consistently serviced equipment has a greatly reduced risk of malfunction.

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Dynatest equipment for a lifetime!

Taking good care of your pavement testing equipment is essential to ensure optimal performance and longevity.

Dynatest equipment is very durable and high quality. However, regular maintenance, calibration, and service can help increase the lifespan of your equipment and reduce friction and wear, allowing the equipment to run smoothly and efficiently.

Neglecting to maintain your equipment can lead to costly repairs and inaccurate testing data.

By ensuring that your equipment is well-maintained and functioning properly, you will have Dynatest equipment working for a decade.

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How to take care of your equipment?

The general guide for maintenance and service gives you an easy guidance on how to take care of your equipment.

We strongly recommend a yearly check-up at our Dynatest workshops or on-site where our skilled service technicians will go through your equipment from “head to toe”.

Our “FREE” maintenance guide offers great advice on how to take care of your equipment on a daily basis.

General service and maintenance guide

Calibrate regularly

We understand that malfunctions can be costly and disruptive to your testing process. Therefore, we recommend eliminating the risk of malfunctions and defects through regular service and calibration of our pavement testing equipment.

Regular calibration of the Light Weight Deflectometer (LWD) for example ensures correct data measurement on your testing equipment. Our calibration can be done quickly and efficiently at our production facilities.

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Get in touch

You are always welcome to reach out to us if you need us. Our team is ready to support you.

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