LWDmod provides the ideal analysis package for the Light Weight Deflectometer.
LWDmod provides the ideal analysis package for the Light Weight Deflectometer.
Based on the FEM/LET/MET* module from ELMOD, LWDmod provides an ideal analysis package for the Light Weight Deflectometer.
The Light Weight Deflectometer (LWD) is very versatile and is designed to provide a quick and non-destructive method for determining the load-bearing capacity of soil and assessing its stiffness.
*FEM (Finite Element Method): Analyze and predict the behavior of pavement structures under various loads and conditions, helping assessment of pavement systems.
LET (Low Earth Orbit Transfer): The process of pavement evaluation and assessing pavement material characteristics, durability, and performance.
MET (Meteorological Education and Training): Examination and testing of pavement materials to ensure quality and suitability for specific applications.
The Dynatest software package LWDmod offers advanced features for data organization, analysis, and reporting.
Experience first-hand why LWDmod is the ideal tool for pavement analysis.
Contact us for more information.