Fast Falling Weight Deflectometer

The FastFWD is designed to drop a load pulse to the pavement surface simulating the impact produced by a rolling vehicle wheel. It is 5 times faster per drop than the original FWD.

Fast Falling Weight Deflectometer

Faster pavement testing for quicker decisions

Save valuable time with the Fast Falling Weight Deflectometer (FastFWD), delivering results five times faster per drop than traditional FWDs. By simulating the impact of a moving vehicle, the FastFWD provides rapid, precise data on pavement conditions, helping you make timely, informed maintenance decisions.

Its advanced load cell and deflection sensors offer detailed insights into how your pavement responds to stress.

FastFWD brochure

Optimize pavement performance and reduce costs

With the Dynatest ELMOD® software, you can easily back-calculate pavement layer moduli for effective structural evaluations and overlay designs.

This combination of fast testing and accurate analysis helps you detect issues early, reduce maintenance costs, and extend the life of your infrastructure, keeping roads safer for longer.

Download the brochure to see how FastFWD can revolutionize your pavement testing.


Fast Falling Weight Deflectometer video

Watch the video here and see how fast a Fast Falling Weight Deflector really is and what benefits it provides.

Key features and benefits 

  • The Fast Falling Weight Deflectometer (FastFWD) is 5 times faster per drop than the Falling Weight Deflectometer
  • No hydraulics
  • Measurement of thin asphalt layers or similar materials even block pavement
  • Same sensor setup and user interface as with the Falling Weight Deflectometer
  • Passes AASHTO R 32 and the UK Correlation trial
  • Nondestructive structural testing device
  • 75% more test points per hour or 45% less traffic exposure
  • Lower maintenance cost – no hydraulic systems
  • Ease of training operators and service personnel
  • Consistent data with Dynatest Model 8002 FWD
  • ELMOD® Software 
  • DynaWare
  • Upgrade capability from Model 8002 FWD to FastFWD

Optimization with DynaWare

DynaWare improves the current user interface of the Fast Falling Weight Deflectometer and elevate the electronics, hardware, and software to modern standards.

Thanks to DynaWare it is possible to offer advanced GIS visualization when collecting data and when planning survey routes. DynaWare brings a complete hardware redesign and  wirings will be drastically reduced.

Immediate AI-based inspection of any detected fault of the geophones makes troubleshooting easier and faster.

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Get a closer look

Standard Equipment

  • Four segmented loading plate with
    swivel accommodates uneven or rutted
    pavement surfaces
  •  Air/Pavement Temperature Sensors
  •  Distance Measuring Instrument
  •  On board generator for standalone


  • A single direct drive, 3-phase torque
    motor and ball screw assembly
    drives the new system replacing the
    hydraulic system in FWD
  • Very fast—up to 160 test points per hour
  • 8002 FWD’s can be upgraded to the
    new FastFWD Model 8012 system
  • Less maintenance costs—no hydraulic
  • Less impact due to reduced survey time

Available Upgrade Options

  • Folding trailer (standard EU and option for US) for ease of shipment
  • Global Positioning System (GPS)
  • Camera system for plate location or
  • Trailer mounted light(s) or strobe(s)
  • Rear and side Sensor Extension Bars & Transverse Sensor.
  • Ground Penetrating Radar
  • Spare parts kit
  • Additional deflection sensors (up to 15)

The use of Falling Weight testing

Data collected from the Dynatest FastFWD can be used to determine the structural capacity of pavements to analyze the physical properties of the road. When analyzing the data from the Dynatest FastFWD with ELMOD® software, it is possible to obtain information about the condition of the road such as: surface layers, subgrade layer, layer moduli, layer types, thickness, range of moduli, Poisson’s ratio and bearing capacity.

This information can be used to estimate overlay requirements, remaining life of the pavement, and effective creation of a Pavement Management Plan.

ELMOD® Software - only available for Dynatest Equipment

  • Evaluation of Layer Moduli and Overlay Design
  • Dynatest’s ELMOD® software may be used for the analysis and design of flexible, rigid, and composite pavements
  • Allows quick data reduction and analysis of FastFWD load/deflection measurements
  • Capable of back calculation of the layer moduli, for a typical drop sequence, in less than a second
  • Fast calculation of the seasonally adjusted moduli, residual life of the pavement, and required overlay thickness for a given service life
  • For maintenance and repair (M&R), the LCCA (Life Cycle Cost Analysis) module allows the user to select the optimal M&R solution
    for a pavement section according to cost/benefit ratios
  • To analyze the bearing capacity of airfield pavements, the ELMOD® software can calculate both the new ACR/PCR classification and the traditional ACN/PCN values. This dual calculation will be available until November 2024, when the new ACR/PCR system becomes fully applicable under FAA AC150/5335-5D guidelines.

Fast Falling Weight Deflectometer and Accelerated Pavement Testing

Since the year 1900, Accelerated Pavement Testing (APT) has played a crucial role in fostering innovation and enhancing our understanding of pavements through accelerated testing, and is a valuable tool that can be utilized to predict and validate pavement performance. The possibility of using the FastFWD for Accelerated Pavement Testing (APT) to study pavement deterioration will shorten the gap between the Heavy Vehicle Simulator (HVS) and small-scale laboratory test methods.

The FastFWD (with an APT application package) has proven to be able to be used as an intermediate tool, between small-scale laboratory tests (bending beam, shear, and triaxial tests) and full scale accelerated pavement tests. Several tests have been conducted with great success. Read more about this application in the brochure or application note below.

Download Brochure

FastFWD Accelerated Pavement Testing

Download Application Note

New method for in-situ Accelerated Pavement Testing 

Watch our video about The Fast Falling Weight Deflectometer in APT

The FastFWD (with an APT application package) has proven to be able to be used as an intermediate tool between small-scale laboratory tests (bending beam, shear, and triaxial tests) and full scale accelerated pavement tests. See more in this video.

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