Airport Pavement Testing

At Dynatest we provide airfield testing equipment.
Our test equipment is used for commercial, general, or military airports all over the world.
Our advanced runway pavement testing equipment generates accurate data that enables airports to predict how future development in air traffic can impact the pavement.

Safe Landing Place

Airports are some of the busiest places in the world, with over four billion passengers passing through them annually. Airports cater to business travelers, tourists, military operations, and cargo services that are vital to our daily lives.

With so many yearly landings and take-offs, it is crucial to ensure a safe place for aircrafts to land. Evaluating airfields for aircraft landings with nondestructive testing techniques will generate accurate data for pavement maintenance.

Dynatest provides quality testing equipment developed over 40 years to complete these important assessments.

See our test equipment

Airport Pavement Testing Equipment

At Dynatest we provide a wide range of testing equipment that can be used by engineers to study and examine the quality of the pavement on runways.

Our testing equipment provides vital data that enables engineers worldwide to analyze how and why pavement deteriorates both on the surface (functionally) and beneath the surface (structurally).

Let us provide all the right testing tools for airfield pavement evaluation.

New Bearing Capacity Classification ACR/PCR

Runway safety heavily relies on the pavement bearing capacity.

Since 1981, it has been mandatory to report on the bearing capacity of airport runways using the ACN/PCN classification set by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO).

The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) has introduced a new classification ACR/ PCR from November 2024.

ACR stands for – Aircraft Classification Rating and tells how different aircraft affect pavements.
PCR stands for – Pavement Classification Rating and shows how much weight the pavement can carry.

By using this new ACR/PCR classification, airports can improve their operations, enhance safety, and plan better pavement maintenance.

With the new Dynatest ACR/PCR module for ELMOD available in DynaHub, the new classification can be calculated.

More information about ELMOD

Heavy Weight Deflectometer

Dynatest developed the first commercially available Heavy Weight Deflectometer (HWD).

The HWD is highly versatile and can measure extra thick and stiff pavement structures on roads and airports.

The HWD can easily simulate and measure large aircraft’s load levels and responses, such as the Boeing 747/777 and the Airbus A380.
Unlike other testing methods that can damage the runway, the HWD is non-destructive testing equipment.

With Dynatest’s HWD you can accurately measure the pavement condition and detects any underlying failures without leaving any trace.

The technical advantages of the HWD

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