Our ISO 9001:2015, 14001:2015 and 45001:2018 certifications have arrived.


Our certifications show that our internal procedures, workplace and effort for less impact on the environment live up to the highest standards ensuring that our test equipment and software have the highest quality.

Ensuring quality ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015 and ISO 45001:2018

By choosing to cooperate with Dynatest, you align yourself with a trusted partner committed to supporting you in every aspect of pavement testing.

Every single day, we work hard to ensure the highest quality of our test equipment by documenting every working process.

Our different ISO certifications now show proof of our relentless dedication and efforts.

You can have full confidence in us when you invest in our pavement test equipment and choose us as your business partner.

Our ISO certifications ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015 and ISO 45001:2018 are evidence of our dedication to excellence, ensuring the highest quality and support.

Learn more about how our commitment to quality can drive your success.

Please contact us today


The accreditation process has confirmed the strength of our existing Quality Management System and the safety of our working environment. We now possess comprehensive documentation and official ISO validation for all our activities and processes.

QA & Project Manager – Oliver Morgenstjerne Laursen



ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System (QMS)

ISO 9001:2015 certification – Quality Management System

ISO 9001 is an international standard for quality management acknowledged and recognized worldwide.

The standard is designed to help companies maintain a systematic approach to quality management and ensure that their products and services meet customer requirements.

ISO 9001:2015 Our certification guarantees that our test equipment/software consistently meets the highest quality standards and the certification is a testament to our commitment to quality and delivering exceptional value to our customers every day.

See our certification.
CERTIFICATION ISO 9001:2015 Dynatest A/S

ISO 14001:2015 Environmental Management System (EMS)

ISO 14001:2015 certification – Environmental Management System (EMS)

At Dynatest we care about our impact on the world as an organization. We work professionally to enhance our environmental performance.

Our certification shows that we live up to the requirements for an environmental management system (EMS)

ISO 14001:2015 is proof that we manage our environmental responsibilities in a systematic manner that contributes to the environmental pillar of sustainability.

As part of Eltronic Group A/S we contribute to the Sustainability Report where we share our latest progress and learnings towards accelerating the green transition.

See our certification
CERTIFICATION ISO 14001:2015 Dynatest A/S

ISO 45001:2018 Occupational Health and Safety Management System (OH&S)

ISO 45001:2018 certification – Occupational Health and Safety Management System (OH&S) is an international standard for health and safety at work developed by national and international standards committees independent of government.

At Dynatest a healthy and safe working environment is a high priority. Our most important resource is our employees and we care for our employees and their safety and health at work.

We have a working environment organization, AMO, in Dynatest. AMO is structured in accordance with Danish law for companies with 35 or more employees, and its overall task is to create a safe and healthy physical and mental working environment.

ISO 45001: 2018 shows that we provide a safe and healthy workplace by preventing work-related injury and ill health.

See our certification
CERTIFICATION ISO 45001:2018 Dynatest A/S

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