Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR)

Why Install Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) on Your Dynatest Falling Weight Deflectometer? Get the answer right here!

Here’s why upgrading your Dynatest HWD with GPR is a game-changer!

When it comes to pavement evaluation, pairing Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) with your Heavy Weight Deflectometer (HWD) creates a dynamic combination that enhances data accuracy and efficiency in ways that conventional methods can’t match.

By combining GPR and HWD technology—an approach seamlessly integrated with Dynatest’s ELMOD software—our clients get unparalleled insights into pavement structure, materials, and potential weaknesses.

The Dynatest Heavy Weight Deflectometer (HWD) provides critical data on pavement deflection, helping you to estimate the structural capacity of each layer.

Adding GPR enables you to visualize layer thickness, materials, and even moisture levels with precision. And with Dynatest’s ELMOD software, this rich data set transforms into important insights, saving time on analysis while improving reliability.

Make Smarter, Data-Driven Decisions

Combining GPR from suppliers Geophysical Survey Systems, Inc. (GSSI) or IDS GeoRadar  with our Dynatest HWD enables a fast, non-invasive data collection process that minimizes lane closures and traffic disruptions.

GPR’s non-destructive approach complements the HWD’s structural assessments, and with ELMOD’s capabilities, there’s no need to juggle multiple software —simply run, analyze, and take action.

Unlock the full potential of ELMOD

Dynatest’s ELMOD software is designed to maximize the value of HWD data, and integrating GPR enhances that by providing complementary information that strengthens the accuracy of layer modulus calculations and condition analysis.

By verifying HWD and GPR data together, your team can trust the results and make confident, data-backed decisions.

Discover how adding GPR to your Dynatest Heavy Weight Deflectometer (HWD), powered by ELMOD, can elevate the speed, accuracy, and depth of your pavement insights today.

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Dynatest GPR training

Our Dynatest team recently completed a specialized training at Geophysical Survey Systems, Inc. (GSSI) in Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) technology.

Through this training, we enhanced our expertise in GPR and deepened our knowledge.

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