Dynatest Explorer (DE) pavement analysis program

Dynatest Explorer is a comprehensive pavement analysis program that provides users with a complete overview of the pavement condition.

Dynatest Explorer (DE)

DE is primarily used to evaluate the functional pavement condition with data from Dynatest Road Surface Profilers (RSP) or Multi Functional Vehicles (MFV) but can also be used to display data from Dynatest Deflectometers.

It provides a large range of export options, including export to Microsoft Excel and Google Earth.

Dynatest Explorer is a Desktop Application that runs on Microsoft Windows 7,10, and 11 (64-bit).

Download DE brochure

Dynatest Explorer (DE) is a comprehensive network and project-level pavement analysis software which can provide the user with a complete overview of the functional and structural pavement condition.

With the DE program, it’s possible to view and store a large number of datasets from different equipment and/or from different years on the same screen.

It can display 3D and 2D distress data sequentially alongside ROW images, rutting measurement, ride characteristics, geometrics, friction data, Falling Weight Deflectometer (FWD) data, pavement layer moduli output from ELMOD6, and pavement layer thickness data from Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR).

How can Dynatest Explorer help you?

Dynatest Explorer (DE) is primarily used to display and evaluate the functional pavement condition with data from Dynatest Road Surface Profilers (RSP) or Laser Crack Measurement System (LCMS®).

DE gives you access to all the data, images, and distresses acquired during the survey, allowing for visualization, verification, reviewing, and reporting of results. IT is also able to automatically detect lanes when importing data.

If you have Falling Weight Deflectometers or Friction Testers from Dynatest, you can also use Dynatest Explorer to store all the measurement data in one place – DE is a great database for this.

Key benefits of Dynatest Explorer

  • Dashboard to show data, pictures, events, and GPS location gathered at one place
  • Data available in table, graph, and georeferenced formats
  • A unique tool to control RSP and LCMS equipment
  • Crack rating and PCI calculation are fully automatic
  • Export data to .xls, .kml, .dxf, .avi, .jpeg
  • Manual tool for reviewing, modifying, and typing new cracks
  • Map Visualization
  • Image viewer and crack viewer simulations

Distress Rating Module (DRM)

For equipment with a Pavemetrics® Laser Crack Measurement System (LCMS®), the Distress Rating Module (DRM) in Dynatest Explorer can be used for both the automated and manual analysis of 3D and 2D pavement images, while simultaneously being able to see Right of Way (ROW) images and map location.

The Distress Rating Module uses the images from the LCMS® sensors and the distresses identified in the LCMS® data processing will automatically be added to the distress table.

Using the tools provided in the Distress Rating Module it is possible to manually identify and classify distresses that may not have been detected in the automatic processing, while also being able to measure and edit the detected distresses.


DTMap is a module for displaying condition and point-related data on a map with the option of customizing the appearance and layout of the displayed data.

It is capable of remembering various user-defined profiles that contain specific customizations relating to a particular type of data.

Pavement Condition Index (PCI) calculations.

The new PCI calculation function is part of a licensed module within Dynatest Explorer and offers the user an accurate, safe, and fast method to achieve the PCI value of flexible pavements on roads.

The Pavement Condition Index, as defined by the International standard ASTM D6433-20 (and the ASTM D-5340-20 for Airport) is the most used and significant index in order to have an overview of the quality of the road.
Dynatest has launched an automated PCI calculation according to the international standard ASTM D6433 – 20.

The automated PCI calculation function is able to calculate the PCI value taking into consideration all distresses identified, both automatically and manually rated, within the sample unit that the users define.
No more difficult equations or complex excel sheets, and no more calculation errors or mistakes.

Read more in the leaflet here: PCI calculation module in Dynatest Explorer

NAASRA - Quarter-car model implementation

We’re thrilled to introduce a significant enhancement to Dynatest Explorer: NAASRA reporting capabilities.

Building upon the existing International Roughness Index (IRI) functionality, users can now seamlessly generate reports compliant with the standards set by the National Association of Australian State Road Authorities (NAASRA).

The NAASRA reporting feature utilizes the “quarter-car model,” accurately representing the dynamic response of real vehicles traveling along single-wheel road paths.

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