
Ramboll Raptor®

Raptor - The Future of Structural Pavement Evaluation!
Ideal for pavement analysis, identifying interesting measurement points significantly faster and at the same speed as general traffic.

Partnership with Ramboll RST

Dynatest has entered a collaboration with Ramboll RST.

Ramboll Road Survey Technology (RST) is a business area within the Ramboll Group. Ramboll RST offers system resources for measuring and collecting information about roads, cargo areas, ports and airports.

In the autumn of 2020, Ramboll acquired the entire Raptor project from Dynatest in 2020. The purchase included the brand Raptor® and associated patents and the data collection and analysis software.

For the next three years Dynatest will be focusing on the sales and marketing of the Ramboll Raptor®.

Key Features

The Raptor® technology measures the bearing capacity of roads at traffic speed, minimizing traffic disruptions. This enables the efficient mapping of a road network’s capacity to handle heavy traffic, addressing the growing need for effective road management in light of the current climate changes.

The advantage of continuous data as opposed to measurements taken in multiple points is that the entire length of pavement is scanned, thus weak spots and discontinuities can be detected.

Raptor® Benefits

  • Measure 150-400 kilometers without the need for traffic management, making the operation safer.
  • The Raptor® can scan an entire highway network in weeks.
  • Save Costs on Road Maintenance Analysis
  • Analyzes pavements at traffic speed
  • Use Raptor® where roads or infrastructure cannot be closed.
  • Most Ramboll Raptor’s are combined with Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR)

Contact our team for more information

Raptor® vehicle specifications

  • Height: 3,35 m (11ft)
  • Axle load: 6-10 tons
  • Length: 9,5 m (31,2 ft)
  • Width: 2,5 m (8,2 ft)
  • Speed: 2-80 km/h (1,25-50 mph)

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