Heavy Weight Deflectometer

The Heavy Weight Deflectometer (HWD) is trusted worldwide – from scorching deserts to humid tropics, or even the icy extremes of polar regions.

Heavy Weight Deflectometer

Dynatest developed the first commercially available Heavy Weight Deflectometer (HWD). The HWD is highly versatile and can be used to test both rigid paver block and flexible pavements on roads and airports. The HWD can apply a loading in the range of 30-320kN, enabling it to simulate vehicle loading up to the most extreme aircraft wheel load such as the Boeing 777, the Airbus 340, or 380.

The output from the deflectometer can be used:

  • To determine the layer of failure and the optimal restoration solutions.

  • For quality control or existing and new pavement construction

  • Improve and understand pavement modeling

  • In pavement management

  • In pavement research

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HWD brochure

See the HWD in Action – Real Data, Real Results.

Our HWD system is crafted for high-accuracy deflection measurements, empowering asset management, design, and rehabilitation strategies. As ACR/PCR standards evolve, our technology elevates pavement assessment, providing actionable data for critical infrastructure.

Optimize your testing strategy with our solutions.

Key benefits

  • Dynamic loading enables mechanistic-empirical analysis of the pavement layers and the determination of optimum rehabilitation strategies

  • Automated and rapid structural pavement testing

  • Determines the layer of failure, rather than determining simply the bearing capacity

  • QA/QC of newly built pavements

  • Compares a range of rehabilitation options, including plane off and recycling rather than just applying overlays

  • The Dynatest HWD provides accurate, reproducible, and repeatable data

  • Automated and real-time monitoring of the load cell, geophones, and data variations ensures high quality of collected data

  • Uses mechanistic analysis allowing testing of most pavement structures

  • The HWD is used worldwide from the hottest and driest deserts to the humid tropics and the cooler polar regions

New bearing capacity classification ACR/PCR

The pavement bearing capacity is a key point when it comes to the safety of runways.

The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) has introduced a new classification ACR/PCR which will take effect in November 2024.

ACR stands for – Aircraft Classification Rating and tells how different aircrafts affect pavements.

stands for – Pavement Classification Rating and shows how much weight the pavement can carry.

By using this new ACR/PCR classification, airports can improve their operations, enhance safety, and plan better pavement maintenance.

With the new Dynatest ACR/PCR module for ELMOD® available in DynaHub, the new classification can be calculated alongside ACN/PCN until it is fully applicable in November 2024 following FAA AC150/5335-5D.

 More about ACR/PCR

Get a closer look

Standard Equipment

  • 4 segmented loading plate with swivel commodates uneven or rutted pavement surfaces
  • 7 or 9 deflection sensors (geophones)
  • Air/Pavement Temperature Sensors
  • Distance Measuring Instrument (DMI)

Available Options

  • Global Positioning System (GPS)
  • Camera system for plate location or Right of Way Imaging
  • On board generator for standalone operation
  • Trailer mounted light(s) or strobe(s)
  • Rear or rear and transverse sensor extension bars
  • Ground Penetrating Radar (GSSI or IDS)
  • Spare parts kit
  • Tool kit

ELMOD® Software - only available for Dynatest Equipment

  • Evaluation of Layer Moduli and Overlay Design
  • Dynatest’s ELMOD® software may be used for the analysis and design of flexible, rigid, and composite pavements
  • Allows quick data reduction and analysis of HWD load/deflection measurements
  • Capable of backcalculation of the layer moduli, for a typical drop sequence, in less than a second
  • Fast calculation of the seasonally adjusted moduli, residual life of the pavement, and required overlay thickness for a given service life
  • For maintenance and repair (M&R), the LCCA (Life Cycle Cost Analysis) module allows the user to select the optimal M&R solution for a pavement section according to cost/benefit ratios

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