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A Falling Weight Deflectometer (FWD) is used for non-destructive testing of pavements. The FWD is designed to measure the structural capacity and overall condition of roadways, runways, and other paved surfaces. FWDs are essential in pavement engineering, providing precise load-bearing data for the pavement structure.
A Falling Weight Deflectometer measures the deflection or deformation of a pavement surface caused by the impact of a falling weight. This data is crucial for assessing the structural integrity of the pavement and identifying any potential weaknesses or defects. By simulating the effects of traffic loads, an FWD helps engineers and professionals make informed decisions about pavement maintenance, repair, or reconstruction.
The FWD operates by dropping a heavy weight onto the pavement surface and recording the resulting deflections. The weight is typically equipped with sensors (Geophones) to measure its velocity and the force exerted on impact. As the weight strikes the pavement, it induces a deflection in the pavement structure. The sensors capture this deflection data and transmit it to the FWD's data acquisition system, which records and processes the information. From this data, engineers can assess the structural condition of the pavement, including factors like load-bearing capacity, stiffness, and layer thickness.
Investing in the right software is crucial, as it enables you to make informed decisions about pavement maintenance and rehabilitation. Moreover, it ensures that your FWD data is effectively utilized to extend the lifespan of your pavement infrastructure, reduce maintenance costs, and enhance the safety and performance of the road network. To effectively analyze and interpret the data collected by a Falling Weight Deflectometer, you'll need specialized software like our ELMOD. This software is essential for processing, visualizing, and generating reports based on the FWD measurements.
The LWD is a device for testing multiple pavement layers with the same accuracy as the Falling Weight Deflectometer. It is suitable for thin pavements and meets various standards ASTM 2583, the IAN73 (UK) standard, the Danish and Italian standard for determining the modulus and compaction of the material. The LWD App gives a clear overview of the collected measurements. The LWD App provides export options, including export of dataset to the applied device, iCloud, or sharing through email.
iOS 10.2 or newer / Android 5.1 or newer Bluetooth LE capability GPS capability Internet capability
There are two ways to share data from the App, and both ways only handle the last project that was opened. You can share the data via email by clicking on "Share" in the menu. The .db3 file with the drop data will be attached to the email. If you want to include pictures with the data, you need to click on "Export". This will generate a zip file with all the data, including pictures of the last project, and save it in the "Downloads" folder of your device. For more information with screenshots, please refer to the user manual.
The software for the LWD 3031 was last updated in 2017 and the App is no longer being supported. We recommend you to update to the newest model, the LWD 3032. You can hear about the advantages of upgrading bu contacting us.

Stay tuned!

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