Dynatest Data Collection (DDC)

Dynatest Data Collection (DDC) is the data collection application used with most Dynatest equipment.

Dynatest Data Collection (DDC)

DDC is the data collection application used with most Dynatest equipment, including Deflectometers, Road Surface Profilers (RSP), Multi Functional Vehicles (MFV), and Friction Testers. It is needed to operate the equipment, and orchestrates the communication with embedded software to extract measurement data to a file. DDC facilitates the collection of data from your specified equipment and transfers it to our data analysis programs. The platform presents a versatile interface with resizable and movable windows (known as applets) and also includes voice feedback for error and warning messages. Additionally, the DDC allows for the importation of data from multiple equipment sources.

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DDC Brochure


Output ready for data analysis

The output from the DDC application is prepared and ready for data analysis in both Dynatest Explorer and ELMOD.

Dynatest Data Collection is a Desktop Application, that runs on Microsoft Windows 7 or newer (64-bit), and is used with most Dynatest equipment.

DDC provides you with the chance to choose from various applets based on your equipment and personal preference:

  • Network (Roadway section database).
  • DMI (Displays Distance Measurement readings).
  • Speedometer (Shows your driving speed).
  • Thermometer (Air, surface, asphalt temperature).
  • GPS (Geographical coordinates and a map).
  • IMS (Gyro) (shows: bank, grade, heading, crossfall
    and curvature data).
  • Camera(s) (Displays and saves images from your
  • High Definition Cracking (HDC) (3D Crack

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